Management Roles And Responsibilities: What And How?

In simple terms, management is administration of work and people at work. However many a times, it is not as simple as it sounds. Being a team leader, I understand that management is the foremost requirement for the successful operation of an organisation and accomplishment of its goals. Managing the individual and their respective contribution towards group goals helps achieve enterprise goals in a timely and effective manner.

Management is finding the right person for the right job at the right time. It is about ensuring that the responsible person is well trained for the task assigned and practically, have all the required resources for completing the job.

The Manager should be a good leader by providing meticulous directions and not orders, whenever and wherever required by the team members. The Manager must have individual’s skills for the task required. He/she should nurture trust among subordinates for each other and should build confidence that the assigned job has to be completed within the stipulated timelines.

Framing effective strategies and setting priorities helps in achieving the combined vision of the organisation. Increasing the productivity and balancing the personal and professional fronts at the same time should be the mantra for success. Such goals can only be achieved with the help of an well-equipped management!

Here at Loginworks, we try to ensure that there is proper work-life balance for every single person involved in its operations and we tend to work efficiently to optimise performance so as to attain designed targets. This helps overcome phrases such as overworking and underachievement as both of these leads to agitation among employees which hit their potential to perform.

Various functions encapsulated within management of an organisation are described here both from general and from Loginworks perspective…


As soon as the project arrives, manager’s introductory role should be planning.

This further includes the project deadlines for delivery, checking availability, allocating work to the team and establishing accountability for the work assigned. Taking follow up actions and coordinating with all the team members for every function of the chain process are required for the successful completion of the project.

Loginworks believe in well in time planning and opportune action.


Communication plays an effective role in conveying knowledge and work responsibilities to subordinates.

Awareness of own duties helps focusing on the objective that needs to be achieved. One to one conversation helps understanding the areas where subordinates are lacking. It also helps in imparting the employer’s expectations from employees so that timely corrective actions/ steps can be taken, if required.

Furthermore, as the communication needs to be two ways – it helps comprehend manager’s paucity as well, so as to avoid unrest among subordinates. Such forums enhance and prosper the employer-employee relationship which in turn is beneficial for the establishment.

Loginworks promote healthy communication, both upwards and downwards in the corporate hierarchy implying a transparent management.

Conflict Management

A workplace where large numbers of people are employed with differing attitude, thinking, and behaviour will inevitably have certain conflicts of interest.

It is important to deal with such issues as effectively as the implication of shunning conflicts could result in damaged relationships and lowered morale. Since conflicts are a natural part of the corporate culture, it is important for the manager to resolve all the disputes arising out of conflicts amicably.

Managers at Loginworks plays an important role in maintaining harmony among employees.


Motivation is the driving force behind the employee’s performance.

A manager needs to create a work environment that fosters employee motivation. Such an environment can be created either by money or by non-monetary means.

At Loginworks, employees are motivated by the organisational culture and the work environment we offer. The challenge is to channelise it into correct direction where our managers and team leaders excel.


A sincere and effective acknowledgement of a subordinate’s job well done can be as effective as a monetary reward and can go much further. Employee recognition, incentives the people being the centre of attraction.

At Loginworks, we believe in recognising and appreciating each employee’s contribution by nominating one employee each month for the monthly award.

Team Facilitation

Another responsibility that we, as team leaders face is Team Facilitation, where we help our team members understand the common high level objective and assists them in planning how to achieve these objectives efficiently in stipulated time frame without failure.

A facilitator needs to be open and honest with his/her ideas, concerns and values to the whole team and there should not be any hidden agendas.



One of the core concepts of management is delegation which aims at assigning the duties and responsibilities downwards from manager to subordinate.

It includes explaining to subordinate the tasks that need to be done, by when it should be done and the end results that are expected from this whole process. The manager provides all the necessary support to the subordinate to help achieve the designed targets. Delegation of authority goes hand in hand with the delegation of responsibilities. A certain amount of authority is required for achieving the assigned duty.

Authority is delegated, responsibility is created and accountability is imposed. It is a known fact that Accountability arises out of responsibility and responsibility arises out of authority. Therefore, it becomes important that with every authority an equal and opposite responsibility should be attached.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence involves being sensitive to emotions, strengths, personalities and feelings of people in the team and outside the team and identifying and managing the same.

It involves maintaining each individual’s respect and dignity in the workplace. Giving equal importance to everyone in the organisation irrespective of their positions and backgrounds greatly affects the way they work. It helps with self-awareness, self-regulation and self-motivation. It results in greater productivity, staff stability, worker satisfaction and improved risk management.

Succession Planning

Succession planning is the process whereby the employees are recruited and trained as per the requirement of the position in the organisation.

Training involves developing skills of the employees within or from outside the organisation. But, a succession by people from within the organisation gives a shared feeling among employee that they can grow as the organisation grows. Thus, managers should look inside the organisation to identify eligible candidates and put all possible efforts to train and encourage them for higher responsibilities. It is regarded as a basic tool to meet the necessary staffing needs of an organisation.

From the discussion done so far we come to know that Management is very important from the viewpoint of an organization and its employees. Management combines the senior and junior staff together to achieve the combined goals. The organization which grows together, flourishes forever.

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